Landlord-Tenant Registration
The Declaration of Restrictions for our neighborhood helps maintain the attractive appearance and welcoming character of the community. The Declaration also regulates any leasing/renting of Lots in the community.
Prior to leasing or renting any Lot, the Owner must first apply to the Association. The Owner can use the “Contact Us” form below to submit an application. The Association’s Board will review the application to ensure that the proposed lease/rental complies with the provisions of the Declaration.
Once the application is approved, the Owner must submit a Landlord/Tenant Registration Form within 30 days of execution of a lease. The submitted form must include confirmation that the lessee/renter has received a copy of the Association’s Declarations and Bylaws. The Landlord/Tenant Registration Form can either be mailed to PO Box 2938, Glen Allen, VA 23060, or emailed to [email protected].
Prior to leasing or renting any Lot, the Owner must first apply to the Association. The Owner can use the “Contact Us” form below to submit an application. The Association’s Board will review the application to ensure that the proposed lease/rental complies with the provisions of the Declaration.
Once the application is approved, the Owner must submit a Landlord/Tenant Registration Form within 30 days of execution of a lease. The submitted form must include confirmation that the lessee/renter has received a copy of the Association’s Declarations and Bylaws. The Landlord/Tenant Registration Form can either be mailed to PO Box 2938, Glen Allen, VA 23060, or emailed to [email protected].